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Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Information Systems


Precedent Code




Maximum number of credits exempted





Top-Up Courses



(a)   Obtain any 30 credits from BUS B103, BUS B104, BIS B123, BUS B171, ACT B211, ACT B212, MGT B240, MKT B250, LAW B262, BUS B272, FIN B280, ECON A231 or ECON A232

(b)   Complete MGT B399

(c)   Obtain any 30 credits from BIS B316, BIS B317, BIS B319, BIS B321, BIS B322, BIS B329, BUS B368, BIS B421, BIS B423 or BIS B425



(1)   The programmes of Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Information Systems and Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Information Systems will be phased out with effect from October 2014 semester. The last conferment of these programmes will be December 2019.


(2)     Courses form excluded combinations with other courses.  Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a single OUHK award.  Students should refer to the list of excluded combinations at http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/excluded_combination for the list of courses that form excluded combinations.




(3)   If students have successfully completed BUS B100, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BUS B103.


(4)   BIS B220 has been replaced by BIS B121.  If students have successfully completed BIS B220, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BIS B121.  BIS B121 has been replaced by BIS B123.  If students have successfully completed BIS B121, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BIS B123.


(5)   BUS B170 has been replaced by BUS B171 and BUS B172.  If students have successfully completed BUS B170, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BUS B171 and BUS B172.  Also, BUS B172 has been replaced by BUS B272.  If students have successfully completed BUS B172, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BUS B272.


(6)   ACT B210 has been replaced by ACT B211 and ACT B212.  If students have successfully completed ACT B210, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for ACT B211 and ACT B212.


(7)   LAW B260 has been replaced by LAW B262 and LAW B263.  If students have successfully completed LAW B260, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for LAW B262.


(8)   ACT B303 and FIN B382/FIN B400 are no longer available.  If students have successfully completed ACT B303 or FIN B382/FIN B400, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for FIN B280.

(9)   ECON A230 has been replaced by ECON A231 and ECON A232.  If students have successfully completed ECON A230, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for ECON A231 and ECON A232.


(10) If students have successfully completed ACT B323X/ACT B323, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for LAW B262.  ACT B323X/ACT B323 may only be counted as 5 credits towards the requirements of BBABIS07.


(11) If students have successfully completed ACT B367X/ACT B367, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for FIN B280.  ACT B367X/ACT B367 may only be counted as 5 credits towards the requirements of BBABIS07.


(12) If students have successfully completed ACT B431X/ACT B431, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BUS B368.  ACT B431X/ACT B431 may only be counted as 5 credits towards the requirements of BBABIS07.


(13) If students have successfully completed MGT B399X, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for MGT B399.


(14) BIS B318 has been replaced by BIS B316 and BIS B317. If students have successfully completed BIS B318, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements for BIS B316 and BIS B317.



(a)   ¿ï­×BUS B103¡A BUS B104¡A BIS B123¡A BUS B171¡A ACT B211¡A ACT B212¡A MGT B240¡AMKT B250¡A LAW B262¡A BUS B272¡A FIN B280¡A ECON A231 ©Î ECON A232¡A¨ú±o30¾Ç¤À¡C

(b)   ­×²¦MGT B399¡C

(c)   ¿ï­×BIS B316¡ABIS B317¡A BIS B319¡A BIS B321¡ABIS B322¡A BIS B329¡ABUS B368¡A BIS B421¡A BIS B423 ©Î BIS B425¡A¨ú±o30¾Ç¤À¡C



(1)     °Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¤Î°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾ÇºaÅA¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h±N©ó¤G¡³¤@¥|¦~¤Q¤ë°_°±¿ì¡C¥»®Õ©ó¤G¡³¤@¤E¦~¤Q¤G¤ë«e¤´Ä~Äò¹{±Â°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¤Î°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾ÇºaÅA¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì¡C


(2)     ¨â­Ó©Î¦h­Ó¬ì¥Ø¥i¥Hºc¦¨¤£¥i­Ý­×ªº¬ì¥Ø²Õ¦X¡C¦P¤@²Õ¦X¤ºªº¬ì¥Ø¤£±o¦P®É­pºâ¤J¤@¶µ¾Ç³N¸ê®æ©Ò»ÝªºÁ`¾Ç¤À¤§¤º¡C¦P¾Ç»Ý¨ì¥H¤Uºô­¶http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/excluded_combination¾\Äý³Ì·sªº¤£¥i­Ý­×ªº¬ì¥Ø²Õ¦Xªí¡C




(3)     ¤w­×²¦ BUS B100 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BUS B103¡C


(4)     BIS B121 ¤w¨ú¥N BIS B220¡C¤w­×²¦ BIS B220 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BIS B121¡CBIS B123 ¤w¨ú¥N BIS B121¡C¤w­×²¦ BIS B121 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BIS B123¡C


(5)     BUS B171 ©M BUS B172 ¤w¨ú¥N BUS B170¡C¤w­×²¦ BUS B170 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BUS B171 ©M BUS B172¡C¦¹¥~¡A BUS B272 ¤w¨ú¥N BUS B172¡C¤w­×²¦ BUS B172 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BUS B272¡C


(6)     ACT B211 ©M ACT B212 ¤w¨ú¥N ACT B210¡C¤w­×²¦ ACT B210 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ ACT B211 ©M ACT B212¡C


(7)     LAW B262 ©M LAW B263 ¤w¨ú¥N LAW B260¡C¤w­×²¦ LAW B260 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ LAW B262¡C


(8)     ACT B303 ¤Î FIN B382 / FIN B400 µ¥¬ì¥Ø²{¤w°±¿ì¡C ¤w­×²¦ ACT B303 ©Î FIN B382 / FIN B400 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ FIN B280¡C


(9)     ECON A231 ©M ECON A232 ¤w¨ú¥N ECON A230¡C¤w­×²¦ ECON A230 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ ECON A231 ©M ECON A232¡C


(10)  ¤w­×²¦ ACT B323X / ACT B323 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ LAW B262 ¡C¦b²Å¦X°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h½Òµ{ªº­n¨D¤è­±¡AACT B323X / ACT B323 ¥u§@ 5 ¾Ç¤À­pºâ¡C


(11)  ¤w­×²¦ ACT B367X / ACT B367 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ FIN B280 ¡C¦b²Å¦X°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h½Òµ{ªº­n¨D¤è­±¡AACT B367X / ACT B367 ¥u§@ 5 ¾Ç¤À­pºâ¡C


(12)  ¤w­×²¦ ACT B431X / ACT B431 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BUS B368 ¡C¦b²Å¦X°Ó·~¸ê°T¨t²Î¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h½Òµ{ªº­n¨D¤è­±¡AACT B431X / ACT B431 ¥u§@ 5 ¾Ç¤À­pºâ¡C


(13)  ¤w­×²¦ MGT B399X ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ MGT B399¡C


(14)  BIS B316 ©M BIS B317 ¤w¨ú¥N BIS B318¡C¤w­×²¦ BIS B318 ªº¾Ç¥Í¡A·|µø¦P¤w­×²¦ BIS B316 ©M BIS B317¡C

No. of Top-up Credits required to complete



Revised 08/18 (eighth revision)