整體學分承認 尚須選修科目表





Bachelor of Business Administration
with Honours in Accounting

Precedent Code



(This top-up list is only applicable for students admitted to this programme from the October 2009 semester to 2019 Autumn term)


Maximum number of credits exempted





Top-Up Courses



(a)   Complete LAW B262, FIN B280 and MGT B399

(b)  Complete ACT B304, ACT B313, ACT B331, ACT B332, ACT B405, ACT B407, ACT B414, ACT B416, BUS B368 and LAW B333 to obtain 50 credits


(c)   Obtain 20 credits from ACT B408, ACT B415, ACT B417, FIN B386, FIN B388, FIN B389, MGT B349, IB B397 or MKT B365.


The BBA (Hons) in Accounting programme has been accredited by the HKICPA as an approved accountancy degree programme under the Institute’s Qualification Programme (QP).  However, students awarded advanced standing credits by the University towards the BBA (Hons) in Accounting programme may be required by the HKICPA to study additional courses in order to be eligible for the QP.  It is always the students’ responsibility to confirm with the HKICPA on their eligibility for the QP.


*    For students who wish to pursue Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)’s Qualification Programme (QP), they are strongly advised to select ACT B417 as one of the Business elective courses for their degrees.



(1)    Courses form excluded combinations with other courses.  Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a single HKMU award.  Students should refer to the list of excluded combinations at https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ for the list of courses that form excluded combinations.


(2)    The Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Accounting programmes have been phased out with effect from 2022 Autumn term.  The last conferment of these programmes will be December 2027.


(3)    Students may complete MGT B398 and use the earned credits to fulfill the programme requirement for the BBAACT.  Students should note that they must complete MGT B399 to fulfill the programme requirement for the BBAHACT.


(4)    MGT B349 can only be counted as 5 credits for course labelled BUS against the programme requirements of BBAHACT.


(5)    See BBAHACT-Appendix 1 for notes on replacement courses and phased out courses.



(a)    修畢 LAW B262 FIN B280 MGT B399

(b)    修畢ACT B304 ACT B313 ACT B331 ACT B332 ACT B405 ACT B407 ACT B414 ACT B416 BUS B368 LAW B333 ,取得50學分。


(c)    選修ACT B408 ACT B415 ACT B417 FIN B386 FIN B388 FIN B389 MGT B349 IB B397 MKT B365,取得20學分。


會計學榮譽工商管理學士課程已被香港會計師公會認可為合資格的會計學位課程。但該會或要求獲授予學分承認的畢業生修讀額外的科目,以符合報考該會的 <專業資格課程 (QP) 的資格。學生有責任自行向該會查詢其學位是否符合報考 <專業資格課程 (QP) 的資格。


*     欲報考香港會計師公會的專業資格課程的學生,建議選修 ACT B417 為其中一科商業選修科目計算入其榮譽學士學位內。



(1)    兩個或多個科目可以構成不可兼修的科目組合。同一組合內的科目不得同時計算入一項學術資格所需的總學分之內。學生需到以下網頁https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/閱覽最新的不可兼修的科目組合表。

(2)   會計學工商管理學士課程及會計學榮譽工商管理學士課程已於二○二二年秋季學期停辦。本校於二○二七年十二月前仍繼續頒授會計學工商管理學士課程及會計學榮譽工商管理學士學位。


(3)   學生可修畢 MGT B398 並把獲得的學分計算入會計學工商管理學士 課程的所需學分,惟學生仍必須完成 MGT B399 以符合會計學榮譽工商管理學士的課程要求。


(4)   MGT B349 中只有 5 學分可以計算入 BUS類別的科目,以符合會計學榮譽工商管理學士的課程要求。


(5)   取代科目及已停辦科目的備註,見BBAHACT-Appendix 1


No. of Top-up Credits required to complete



Revised 07/22 (tenth revision)